Too many connections query=select file from module_files where id='30';Too many connections query=select id from module_files where file='news' and system='1';Too many connections query=select * from news order by id desc limit 0,10;Too many connections query=select * from review where dep='116' order by rand() limit 0,1;Too many connections query=select id from module_files where file='galery' and system='1';Too many connections query=select * from galery order by rand() limit 0,1;Too many connections query=select id from module_files where file='video' and system='1';Too many connections query=select * from video order by rand() limit 0,1;Too many connections query=select * from vote where ison='1' order by id desc limit 0,1;Too many connections query=select id from module_files where file='anons' and system='1';Too many connections query=select * from anons order by id desc limit 0,10;Too many connections query=select id,dep_up,caption,file,menu_visible from deps where dep_up='3' and visible='1' and ison='1' order by lenta,id asc;Too many connections query=select * from config limit 0,1;Too many connections query=select caption,key_words,description from deps where id='68' and ison='1' and visible='1' limit 0,1;